MRI Prostatic Anatomy

The prostate consists of:
  • central gland (CG) comprises:
    • central zone - low signal
    • transition zone - low signal
  • peripheral zone (PZ) which has homogeneous high signal surrounded by capsule of low signal
  • anterior fibromuscular stroma (FM)
Neurovascular bundles (white arrows)
Prostatic "capsule" (red circle)
UB (urinary bladder)
SV (seminal vesicles)
U (urethra)
Ejaculatory ducts (Chevrons)

Case Discussion

Normal volume of the prostate should be less than 30 ml. This is calculated by 0.52 x length x width x height.
MRI imaging is helpful in differentiation the prostatic zonal anatomy (best demonstrated on T2WI).
Special techniques are used to improve the early detection of prostate cancer such as DWI, dynamic-contrast enhanced MRI and MR spectroscopy.
The majority of cancers arise from the peripheral zone (PZ).
The central gland has heterogeneous signal in older men secondary to benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), the BPH nodules usually involves the transition zone. 
